Department affliates...

UW CSE Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GRAIL)

Individuals from the past and present who have given lectures, presentations, and/or general assistance to ARL...

Mimi Abers - Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)

Don Alvarez
- Animation Tools Programmer, Disney, Accelerated Pictures

Jules Bloomenthal - Unchained Geometry, Inc.

Rose Bond - Independent Animator

Kim Bromley - Independent Producer, After August Entertainment

CJ Cowan - Storyteller

Tony Derose - Pixar

Gary Faigin - Gage Academy of Art

Seth Gibson - HTC Creative Labs

Andrew Glassner - The Imaginary Institute, Coyote Wind Studios

Wendy Jackson Hall - Writer/Independent Animator

Ruth Hayes - California Institute of the Arts and Evergreen College

Jessica Hodgins - Disney Research, Carnegie Mellon University

Leo Hourvitz - Google

David Hunt - Unity

Natalie Burke - Unity

David Johnson - Effects Artist, Fasa Studio, Microsoft Game Studios

Michael Koperwas - ILM

Paul Lewis - Animation Pipeline TD, ILM, Electronic Arts, Time Warner, Outcast Unlimited, Inc.

Karen Lund - Taproot Theater

Hummie Mann - Film Composer

Brian McDonald - Filmmaker, Story Artist

Greg Miller - Disney Animation Studios

Kurt Nellis - Film Layout Artist, ILM, Weta Digital, Bungie

Doug Nichols - Producer for Short Films, Pixar

Kenneth O'Connell - University of Oregon

Christine Panushka - USC School of Cinema and Television, USC Division of Animation and Digital Arts

Randy Pausch - Carnegie Mellon University

Gary Schwartz - Improvisation Actor

Matt Smith - Improvisation Actor

Tony White - Animation Instructor, Academy of Interactive Entertainment

Habib Zargarpour - Microsoft Studios